Wednesday, December 05, 2007

For the heck of it - I

Turns out that I last wrote anything (and I mean anything at all, with the notable exception of assignments) was back in September end. As always, I then became acutely aware of my ostensibly good writing skills (apologies for the seeming lack of any modesty) and decided not to throw away all of it by letting a thick layer of dust on it. It so happens that most stuff in my room has it already, so let me keep this safe at least! That made no sense, and neither will the rest of this post.

I am not writing today for want of things to do, it so turns out that finals are coming up in about 4 days, and I have realized that there are three subjects that require extensive studying, so time is more or less at a premium. There are also three assignments due Friday and a report, which need attention. This of course couple with the usual tasks of cooking and minimal cleaning. I had imagined that when I entered this land, I would have so much to write about, the new experience, the people, the culture, the infrastructure. Turns out that while there is something to write, I have barely scratched the surface of this place. Maybe part of it has to do with the fact that there has been nothing terribly noteworthy to write about, and the other part of it has been my lack of inclination.

It has been so long since I wrote a proper article, I have virtually forgotten how to. And now, no longer in VESIT, there is nothing here where I can submit my writing! Talk about enthusiasm dampeners with a damping coefficient>1! Ouch, geek alert! Now, I do realize that as I am rambling about, I am going into my usual cribber mode, but I am just letting the words flow, knowing all too well that no one is reading what I am writing. But there are thing I am suddenly learning about, and in the hard way too, about planning.

I am hoping to piece together in the near future, the second part of my MS treatise, which will deal with things I am learning only now about foresight. I had never known the pressure this place puts on you, not only in the context of you current academic performance, but also in many other ways, notably fiscal pressure on your current living, and the possibility of future fiscal pressure if your career does not take off. Agreed, those things are somewhere far in the future, but there is simply no dearth of things to worry about here! I now realize that I took the decision of going for an MS too lightly without considering the implications. Saying that I am repenting it would be going too far, but I see many, many things in a decidedly different light right about now. Then again, these ARE things I need to learn myself, and hindsight it always perfect!

Speaking about fiscal issues, I got my first paycheck two days back! And had the simultaneous pleasure of earning my first real pay, and the disappointment of paying my first taxes! It may not be a large percentage of the pay, but it turns out that the amount of tax I paid would have sponsored my lunch for nearly a month and it feels like a kick in the shins. :(

Rambled long enough for nobody's pleasure but my own. Now there is food to be cooked and studying to be done. Wish me luck!

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