Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Undeniable Greatness

"Har sant kahe, sadhu kahe,
Sach aur saahas hai jiske man main,
Ant main jeet usi ki rahe"
- Mitwa

Yes, you guessed right, I did happen to catch "Lage Raho Munnabhai" yesterday. Say what you must, throw as much mud as need be, but you have to accept that Mahatma Gandhi is the greatest Indian to date, and will stay so for many, many more years to come.

Find me another person who could bring together thousands of people at any given time, time and again. Find me another person whose each word a million would hang on to. Find me another person who could quell riots by simply standing there. If there is one man who could stir the collective conscience of such a diverse people, inspire within them a concrete belief, guide them along a path hitherto unheard of, and defeat colonial rulers without might, purely by belief, faith, and the power within a million souls - then that man is undoubtedly Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi.

I won't ever say he was the perfect man. He had his flaws. Obvious ones, and major ones. But no one on this whole ruddy planet can deny him his achievements, can discredit his intentions, can unlock the enigma of this almost naked man in a dhoti who could hold crowds in a trance and break the backbone of an imperial power without so much as ever raising his hand.

The more pertinent point is whether Gandhian principles can truly work today. A quick recap states that the primary ones are truth, non-violence, compassion, cleanliness. Now, what is bad about any of these? Is it possible to debate the validity or sanctity of any of these basic tenets? I guess not. It is the application part where things go sour. Continuous use on on-violence in the big, bad world makes you look weak, proves that you aren't capable of defending yourself, standing up for what is yours. But then again, does it?

Part of accepting Gandhian philosophy is looking at the bigger picture. It is closely intertwined with the very fundamental karma philosophy. While following what Gandhi says, don't look at immediate consequences, also think of that final meeting which will be only between you and The Maker. Do you ever worry about the abyss mankind is plunging into where momentary gain is worth perdition?

If there is something which can lead us out, it is the truth, it is faith, it is belief...

Does anyone remember the name of the movie starring Robin Williams where he is a do-gooder doctor? The movie which inspired Munnabhai-I? If you ever feel low, watch it. If you can't get your hands on it, watch "The Terminal". All hope isn't yet lost for mankind :)


Anonymous said...

yes.. i have watched the movie of robin williams.. it goes by the name "PATCH ADAMS" & mind you..that is one hell of a movie..a true story... & its about mankind...

although i watched that movie long time back, it did remind me of one person person.."baba amte"

gandhiji may have given us idependence but in today's cruel world..baba amte...in a way does show how to serve humanity.

so,rather than watching such movies and getting inspired,i think we should look at the lives people like baba amte lead for these people are the real heros in today's era. not munnabhai, not DJ (a..k.a Daljeet)

don't be inspired by reel heros, take a look around you & draw inspiration from REAL heros!!

Anonymous said...

nice writing.dude,can u provide the link to ur blogs on msn spaces?