Saturday, February 21, 2009

People skills 101: Importance Issues

No, the title is not a grammatical error, it is exactly appropriate as I shall later explain. Anyhow, here's the maxim that lays the foundation for this piece:

"Don't make important the people for whom you are not important"
- Unknown

Now while that makes perfect sense at the outset, it isn't quite that simple. In many instances it just doesn't work that way! Take the instance of you wanting to be more to some individual even when you know that person doesn't think highly of you. This could happen with personal or professional relationships - a boss, a person you idolize, a person you admire in any sense, your in-laws, anyone! The only way to get what you want, is to give them more importance than is due, or for that matter even more than is justified.

But that given, at what point do you stop? When do you say, that this is it, I'm not going to go any further. If this individual's perception of me or his/her respect for me is not going to increase, then I'm not going to try anymore. I'm not going to go out of my way belittling myself in the expectation of it being redeemed. This is where I seem to keep tripping up. The aforesaid point unfortunately tends to infinity in my case. So I keep subjecting myself to incessant disappointment when there is no reciprocation. Fair enough, considering that none was promised!

I guess it's often a hard call, particularly when your admiration gets in the way of rationality. The learning process continues. Chapter 1 ends here.


Should I let go,
Being in the know,
That this is all it's going to be,
Or should I hold tighter, in hope,
And anticipation that there is more?